Thursday, April 3, 2014

Couch Surfing Website

1.  When I first saw the URL for this site I was expecting it to be similar to StumbleUpon where it would show you fun and interesting websites to look at while "sitting on the couch".
2.  When I initially went on the site I was very confused and thought I mistyped the URL and tried to correct it multiple times and Googled it because I thought I was on the wrong site.  I thought this because the name of the site made no sense to me following the information on the site.
3.  I thought the site was designed, as I mentioned above, to give the user links to sites that are fun to look at while "sitting on the couch".
4.  I think the site is run by an everyday person who had the idea to create the site; I do not think it is run by a school or business.
5.  I would not consider becoming a member because this site has nothing that appeals to me.  The service that the site offers is not something that I would ever consider doing.
6.  I have concerns about this community that people are not saying who they really are and if I was to signup and have interest in traveling and living with someone or having someone come and live with me that they would not be who they said they were and turned out to be dangerous or something along those lines.


  1. I agree with your concerns about the trustworthiness of this community. While there are certainly people who use this site correctly and don't create problems, the chance for people to abuse this system is insanely high.

  2. The intention is good, but the possibility of this system being used for nefarious purposes seems to be too great for my personal comfort. I'm sure this is a common issue for many people, so I wonder how they deal with preventing to these issues.

  3. I had that same concern as well. The security of people actual identity and I that is a big concern. Because these are complete strangers that members are allowing others to stay at their house.

  4. Yeah I agree with your concerns as well. I would be really uncomfortable if someone especially a stranger stays over since I like my personal space a whole lot. Maybe bad things doesn't happen as often as we might think it might, but you'll never know.
